Mushroom Gathering in Oregon at Breitenbush Hot Springs

me with a cauliflower.jpg

What a wonderful weekend for mushrooming! I spent four days at the Mushroom Gathering at Breitenbush Hot Springs doing all things mushrooms. The pacific northwest has had a banner year for fungi-finding, due to our mild, wet summer and last year’s dry, hot weather that made the mycelium simply aching to pop out. I have never seen so many mushroom species in one place in my entire life. It was simply AMAZING! Not to mention the wonderful people I encountered. So full of knowledge, passion, and exuberance for the incredible species that were available to us. I am so grateful for the knowledge gained from these experts.

Here are just a few snaps of the mushrooms gathered from foraging in the immediate area. Incredible, huh?

And jellies!

And, not a fungus, but my personal favorite finds, several slime molds:

The weekend was full of great crafting workshops, including a fantastic cooking session by Bonny Giardina demonstrating using mushrooms in everyday dishes.

The highlight of my weekend was giving a drawing workshop of fungi with pen and ink techniques with a group of great artists. I’m kicking myself now for not taking more photos of the works in progress, but it was a great day.

I’m very grateful for the opportunity to teach, and participate. I’m forever changed by the experience, and can’t wait to get out into the woods again. Cheers!